Fun with English
Vous voulez améliorer votre anglais ? Eh ben allez voir ailleurs. Ici, vous trouverez simplement de quoi vous amuser, et il y en a pour tous les niveaux.
Les activités ci-dessous sont classées en ordre croissant de complexité linguistique.
So you think you know England...?
Quiz powered By Website Abstraction
(Thanks to Trivial Pursuit for some of the Trivia questions.)
When you think of the answer, click in the box beneath the question to check it out. If you want to get rid of the checks, click the button at the end.
The square root of 289 is ?
The capital of Poland is ?
As I was walking to London when I met 9 wives going the other way. Each wife had 9 sacks, and in each sack there were nine cats, and each cat had nine kittens. How many people were going to London?
If one-and-a-half chickens can lay one-and-a-half eggs in one-and-a-half years how many eggs could 100 chickens lay in 150 years?
What do frogs close when they swallow?
What is the worlds most common last name in English-speaking people?
What food contains up to 16 additives, including Plaster of Paris?
What was the first fruit eaten on the moon?
The trichina worm is most likely to be found in what meat?